Monday, November 25, 2002
1 Month and Counting....

My lower back is in much pain, but I think that it was worth it. I spent Saturday afternoon lugging my Chirstmas tree up a flight of stairs by myself, and then setting it up three times (because I did it wrong the first two times), only to have my family complain that it's crooked. Oh, how supportive they are. Then yesterday, I sat hunched over a pile of cords and light bulbs, checking every single bulb to make sure they worked and replacing 3 strings worth of lights. So now my shoulders hurt too. "But it's all for Christmas, so it's okay!" That's what I've been telling myself. I think it's working so far.

I even had my company Christmas party already. The staff and friends of the VWC spent a fun filled evening at Canton Restaurant, talking about pregnancy over dinner. Greg and I had to be late, so we got stuck sitting at the less-than-entertaining table full of middle-aged women and their husbands. The other table broke out in laughter oh so often at some hilarious story Steve (who has a great Aussie accent) told them. We talked about pregnancy.
Later that evening, I experienced death-by-dessert back at the doctor's house, and showed off my gambling skills. Thanks to my dear grandma, I now play mahjong like a pro.