Monday, November 11, 2002
Calculus is Good...Only When You Get Good Marks

So last week I studied my a** off for this Calc unit test. I did pretty horribly on my last one and I knew that I had to get a good mark on this one to make it somehow balance out. I did so badly last time I almost cried.

ANYWAY. So I studied. And I studied. Continued studying. Ate some food. Then studied some more.
I go to school extremely tired from studying so much and write the make a somewhat long story short: I kicked some serious Calculus ass!

At least I thought so. The last time I felt so good about a test, I ended up getting 75% which isn't so superfantastic.

I get my mark today and guess what it is? A whopping 95%!

I kicked it in the balls so hard that they retreated into the stomach!

*laughs* Anyway, I feel really good right now.