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Wednesday, November 13, 2002
Stress Levels: Too High
Gah! DECA Regionals are on Friday and here I am researching the 5 types of risk. I've been in this club for five years and now it hits me: I can find things on the internet if I don't know anything about them. False. Almost every single competition I've ever had to do for DECA, one of the criteria has been "Explain the 5 types of risk". And then I draw a blank. I still manage to somewhat kick butt on my oral competitions (go me!), but it's plagued me for too long; WHAT ARE THE 5 TYPES OF RISK?! I must find out for my own sanity's sake. So far, Google has failed me, and now, I turn to About.com. My audition for the Sear's Drama Festival is tomorrow afternoon and I still don't have my monologue memorized. Way to go, no-go. OY. But I have faith in myself. Here, allow me to type out what I know from my monologue so far: Hello. I am she who will be Medea. That is, I shall play the heroine from that famous Greek tragedy by Euripides for you. I attended...something...School of Dramatic Arts. At this wonderful school, we had...classical training...started from the very beginning, a very good place to start, Greek tragedy. Good so far, no? *laugh* There's about another paragraph or so to go...I'm almost there! Lead role, here I come! We had another University info session today at lunch...whee! I think I'm ahead of the crowd so far; I have all my universities researched (somewhat) and I know which 4 schools I'll be applying to. In no particular order: Western, Laurier, McGill and Queens. We got some of our marks in class today as well, and I'm not as happy as I should be. Universities aren't going to care about mid-term marks, but scholarships sure will. I'm not having much luck with those so far, seeing how my first application went. I'm looking towards many more, but I think I've forgotten how much work they are. On top of everything, I've got ISPs coming out my ears! I'm still taking notes on my first book for English (which I hope to finish tonight) and my interview is sometime this week. CNAP is absolutely going to wear me out. I'll keep my fingers crossed that I don't have a stroke and that all goes well. Things to look forward to (this weekend): -DECA competiton = fun -Greg time on Friday -HARRY POTTER! -Double dating with Anna (meeting Scott) "Oh, they're so cute!" -Tegan and Sara (Hamilton, here I come!) |