Saturday, December 07, 2002

I just met a really cool guy over the phone. If "cool" means "cute", and if "I just met a really cool guy" is allowed by Greg.

*ring ring*
Me: Hello?
Guy: Hi, can I speak to *muffle muffle* ...-lee please?
Me: Uh, this is she.
Guy: Hi, do you know who this is?
Me: Uhm...I don't think so... *do I know anyone that sounds this sexy?*
Guy: This is A.J., do you remember me?
*by now I've noticed that this guy has a really smooth voice and might just be trying to pick me up*
Me: No... *but I sure wish I did!* Where did I meet you again?
Guy: this Halley?
Me: *Dammit!* No, this is Shirley!
Guy: Wow, this is really embarrassing.

Anyhoo, we had a few good laughs. He sounds nice. A few seconds later....

*ring ring*
Me: Hello?
Guy: Hi, can I speak to Halley please?
Me: Is this A.J. again?
Guy: I'm so confused.