Friday, February 07, 2003
A Rare Day In The Life...

1:00 pm, local pharmacy

Me: Hi, I'd like to refill this perscription please.
Same Guy As Last Time: (Upon seeing my old-style health card) have one of these, you should hang onto this, you know, you should never lose it. You want to know why?
Me: Oh god, please no....
SGALT: Here's why. Number one....
And he proceeded to explain something about expiry dates, old people and travelling overseas. I just smiled and nodded. More pharmeceutical adventures to come, I'm sure.

I was lucky enough to not have any homework last night. I was unlucky enough to have nothing to do. I busied myself with my hair for a little bit and spent some time putting all 30 inches of it into braids. (I've only recently started to realize how long it really is...2 and a half's long. I tucked it into my pants once I think. I'm going to miss it so much when I cut it!) Still 3 or 4 hours to go before heading into bed. So I painted my nails. All of them. Twice.

More time to kill...I already had my shower, dinner was eaten, books were at school so I couldn't do my work even if I wanted to. I considered getting ahead on all my scholarship applications, but I decided against it to keep my evening stress free. In the end, I picked up a book that had been sitting on my bookshelf unread for some time, The Female Eunuch by Germaine Greer. It started out kind of bland but I knew good things lay ahead, or so all the reviews promised. Quite honestly, I stopped reading halfway through the Summary.

One phone conversation with Gregory later, and I was in bed. It was 9:30 pm.