Saturday, May 03, 2003
Crunch Time

I have to be at school the next morning for Classics Conference 2003. It's nearly 10 pm right now and I have two oral readings to practice, a gazillion pages of Greek history to study, a book of Greek derivatives know, a poster board on ancient philosophy to make, and a few hundred pages on a bunch of other Roman things to read. Yaaaaaaay! Why am I here again?

When Jason asked me today if I had any other things to do, I said, "No, not really."
I lied.

I spent the whole day with none other than Mr. Shim Shimma himself. We had some breakfast, drove around a lot, blared music, walked barefoot in the grass, sat on a swing set, ate Bernie Botts Every Flavour Beans, drove some more, saw a wedding and generally hung out. We chatted and joked and talked and discussed; we laughed and yelled and snorted and embarrased ourselves; we had a good time. It was 6:30 pm before I knew it. So they were right, time really does fly.

Three more days with him? Consecutively? Alright, I'm up for that. But just how much Shirley can he take? Mwahaha!