Saturday, June 14, 2003
Saturday Morn Aft Before Work

Guess who I met? Go on, guess. You'll never guess. Oh, don't give up, c'mon! Guess! Fine. Mr. Clean. That's right ladies and gentlemen, yours truly has met, touched, stood in front of, talked and shook hands with the one, the only...Mr. Clean! It was like this: I was at work the other day and my manager, Sheri, comes into the store and while laughing, pulls out an autographed photo of someone.

Sheri: Look what I got! *laugh* Guess who this is.
Me: *pause* *gasp* Is that Mr. Clean?!
Sheri: Yeah! He's at Wal-Mart right now! It's so funny!
Me: Ohmygosh! *squeal* CanIgocanIgocanIgopleeeeease? I really want his autograph!!!

And before Sheri could really say anything, I bolted out of the store towards Wal-Mart. Sure enough, I found the 6'6" bald man in white standing by the front entrance trying to promote a new Mr. Clean mop. Basically, a Swiffer Wet-Jet with his face on it.

Things to Know About Mr. Clean:
- He's really tall
- His biceps are bigger than his head
- His head is bald, and is really shiny
- His eyebrows are bleached white, but you can kind of see the roots growing in
- He says, "Keep it clean" as often as possible
- His white attire must be thin because he was so chilly that I could see his nipple through his shirt
- He gave me my first autographed photo ever

"To Shirley,
Keep it clean!
Love, Mr.Clean"

See that? Love, Mr. Clean. He didn't write that on all of them! And then...he winked at me! *swoon* I left Wal-Mart in quite the tizzy.