Wednesday, June 18, 2003
When In Doubt, Just Tell Me I'm Beautiful

School's over and it doesn't bother me. I'm either in denial or I've become an emotionless Vulcan. I made it through all of this week without crying and I was going to make it through all of yesterday too, until I talked to Miss Corry about losing the valedictorian vote. I thought I wasn't going to cry about that either, mainly because I pre-mourned. I suspected I was going to lose and moped for two weeks before I actually knew the results. Some said that it was a stupid plan, but it worked for me. And look at that, I ended up losing after all. I'm psychic, I tell you. Anyways, I'm hurt and this sucks. Royally.

Everything happens for a reason, everything happens for a reason...learn from losing, blah blah blah. Man, first Presidency, now this. I'm glad I didn't work towards anything else for all of high school and that nothing else mattered so much to me, otherwise I would've lost those too.