Tuesday, August 19, 2003
Guess Where Shirley Is Going

One of two things are in store for me tomorrow. Either I leave on the trip, or I don't. It's really all up to my father and that idea makes me cringe. Everything else up to this point has been up to the boy and the thought of my father saying one thing (i.e. "NO") and sending it all down the drain scares me. For now, I'm going to pretend that it's all going to work out and pack anyway. Yay for my optimistic attitude.

Eight days, seven nights...I still have no idea where we're going and what we're doing. So how in the heck am I supposed to know what to bring? *shrug* So far I have:
-3 pairs of pants
-2 pairs of shorts
-5 tank tops
-2 hoodies
-5 pairs of socks
-3 pairs of shoes
-1 pair of sunglasses

I'm still trying to figure out whether I should bring two sets of PJs or just one. And one belt, two or none? I still need to squeeze toiletries, towels, undies and various accessories/necessities into my bag. Books, CDs...perhaps I'm going overboard? Oh the baggage of a girl. (Was there a pun in that last sentence?) To makes matters worse, I have to pack for school at the same time and trying to figure out what you need for eight months is much more difficult than preparing for eight days.

Guesses on where I'm going? We can start one of those pools like you see on TV. If your guess is within 70km of my destination, then you win. If I were rich I'd provide the winner with some sort of prize, but seeing as I am not rich and rather cheap, there will be no prizes awarded to anyone. My apologies are given out instead.

On second thought, the winner will be awarded honour and glory points. You can trade those in for smiles and high fives from me. Maybe a handshake. I'll have to think about it.