Monday, September 08, 2003
Classes Were Fun Today

I want to say something, but I'm too lazy right now to write it out in full, so here we go with bullet points again!

- Today was laundry day.
- Not because I ran out of underwear, but because I wanted to do it.
- Really, I ran out of pants.
- Separating my colours and whites were fun.
- I used detergent tablets for the first time.
- I checked all my pants pockets for unwashable items.
- Found nothing.
- After the cycle was done I found a sock in the load that wasn't mine.
- Into the dryer we went.
- Not me, just my wet clothes.
- I forgot to put in a dryer sheet.
- No Bounce freshness for me.
- An hour later I bounce downstairs excitedly. Couldn't wait for that folding party.
- I take my extremely dry clothing out of the machine.
- It was funny because my clothes looked smaller.
- And one of my red tops wasn't so red anymore.

To Buy: Drying rack for my room.