Thursday, October 30, 2003
University: Bad For Shirley's Body

Due to my double-whammy economics and business midterms this weekend, I've been living in the library, sleeping little and stocking up on vitamin C. Weird things are happening to me because I'm studying so much.

-I'm drinking coffee. Coffee. Last night I had what was probably my fourth cup of coffee in my entire life. Ugh.
-I've become a sound nazi. I usually go to places that are dead silent to study and whenever someone makes the slightest noise (ie: turning a page, pushing back their chair), I either give them the evil eye or clear my throat in that you-aren't-the-only-person-here-so-please-be-quiet way.
-I'm growing more knots in my back. The other day, I was so upset by the noise level in the Solarium (usually a very quiet place), that I got up to leave in such an angry way that I strained a muscle in my lower back. I'm serious.
-In addition to the knots, I'm becoming a hunchback from leaning over and keeping my nose in a book. Every time I straighten up, my spine cracks.
-I'm wearing my glasses again. Last fall, I had nearly perfect vision, not 20/20 but 20/30. Close enough. Now, I sit in the front row of class and need my glasses to read the whiteboard or see the professor's face. Terrible.

What a weird night and morning I've been having. I decided to stop studying at around 1:30am and went to bed, but I was so hungry that I couldn't sleep. I kept dreaming about food...especially eggs. I was remembering the eggs benedict we had at the Delft Haus in Kentville, and I could taste them in my sleepy reverie. Then I moved onto scrambeled, sunny side up...mmm, with tomatoes. Potatoes! Baked, mashed, hashed...*drool*.

By this time it was 2:00am and I wasn't going to fall sleep anytime soon, so I got up. To snack. I can't remember the last time I ate something at 2 in the morning. I had some cheese and crackers and slept soundly after that. Heart attack, here I come. Even weirder is that I got up at 8:30 this morning only after 5 or so hours of sleep. I haven't been up that early since Frosh Week. I feel strangely awake and quite accomplished for this hour. All my little chores, tasks, errands and things to do are done so I can spend the rest of the day studying my bum off.