Tuesday, November 11, 2003
And I Thought I Was Caught Up

1. My ethnicity is a novelty here.

2. I will always keep on top of my reading for my Love & Its Myths class. Because if I don't, not only will the ending be spoiled for me during the lecture, but the prof will ultimately find out. Today, I put my hand up to answer a question based on the first chapter so I figured I was safe. But apparently, the answer I gave was the lie of the protagonist and the truth is later revealed. I didn't know what the truth was. "Ah, you didn't get that far yet, eh?" He had caught me. Oh, the shame, the shame.

3. I hate automatic flushing toilets. I was in the New Academic Building bathroom, peeing as I normally do, when my body decides that it is indeed finished and it is time to get up. I hear a squeak/squawk type sound and the toilet water rumbles away from underneath me sucking all my nerves down the drain with it. I nearly had a heart attack in the stall. That was the loudest, most sudden self-flusher I've ever seen. Usually those things at least wait until you get up from the seat before it does anything, but the slightest budge on this Pelican Plumbing machine will cause it to go berserk on your waste expelling ass. The weirdest part was the bird noise. It was really freaky. I thought an eagle was busting out of the wall behind me or something.