Monday, December 22, 2003
Just Don't Know What To Do With It

My new camera is making me nervous. It doesn't have optical zoom. It only has 'Smart Zoom'. Said Smart Zoom can only be used at a setting of 2.0 MP or lower and the range is terrible. There is also no macro setting. Some reviewers on Amazon said they loved the camera even with these seemingly crappy qualities, others denounced Sony for making such a shoddy product. Can I survive without zoom and macro? I'm thinking about returning it and getting a new one with better features, but it'll cost me more and there will be no batteries and recharger and free bag.

This camera also has some interesting attributes. You can set it to Twilight mode when shooting at night, or Snow mode to prevent the image from losing colour or even Beach mode to bring out the blue of the water. And there are special effects to bring out the contrast in the images like Black & White, Sepia and Negative Art so my photos will look all fancy. But the zoom....and macro, I can't take really close up shots without losing detail! I can't decide how important these features are to me becuase I've never owned a digital camera or used one to take cool photos.

All you camera users out there, what do you think?