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Thursday, March 25, 2004
Bottle Baby Deaths
It's been a little crazy recently, what with my dozen applications for various postions on campus for next year and with Senate elections. I was a bit hesitant to run at first, but this election is a bit more low key as opposed to the highly anticipated Board of Directors elections, and thank goodness (!) no open forum, for I would have cried. As of last night, I have decided that I am going to officially boycott Nestle products. We had a lecture on Corporate Evil in Evil & Its Symbols class and I was surprised to hear about this worldwide boycott that has been taking place since the late 70s and early 80s. It seems that Nestle has breached many of the World Health Organization's International Codes of Marketing Breastmilk Substitutes, and as a result, many mothers in developing countries are using these products even though they can barely afford these things, and can't read the instructions and warnings (many of the containers only have English on them). Babies are suffering from diarrhea, malnourishment and infant mortality rates are disgusting. Mother's milk is best for babies! It's not only for mothers who wish to breastfeed, this is about unethical business practices! This is why I wanted to get out of the program in the first place. Then again, part of me wishes that I could stay in and reform everything. Check out Baby Milk Action, Breastfeeding.com, Wears The Baby and Gentle Parenting for more details. There is so much information out there that you could visit a million sites about this issue, just type "nestle boycott" into Google and join me and tons of others in the boycott! |