Sunday, May 16, 2004
All Work And All Sleep Is No Fun

My weekend in St. Catherines for Classics Conference was a nice break and a lot of fun. Sure, high school was giggly and gossipy, but dang, it was fun. Now I'm back on campus doing all that I can to earn some more moola so I can afford some fun this summer.

My schedule as was earlier last week:

2:00pm - Wake up, shower (currently I have no shampoo; I have used a bar of soap before but it leaves my tresses feeling like straw), eat (my mother sent me here with enough food to last me a week so all I have to do is microwave)
3:00pm - Start work at the Admissions Office (it's really just a narrow room filled with boxes of paper)
8:00pm - Leave work (after labelling 756 envelopes, making nearly 100 phone calls, having one pee break and no food)
8:30pm - Head for bed after eating a very quick dinner of sorts (once again with the microwaved mommy food)
10:15pm - Get up, shake myself awake, put on warmer clothes, fill 3 water bottles and grab 2 apples - I hear they're more efficient at waking you up than caffiene (I'm usually very grouchy by now)
10:50pm - Arrive at Willison Hall, make small talk and get ready to patrol the halls (still grouchy)
11:00pm - Starting now, I have 8 hours to do whatever I want (as long as I don't leave my hallway, wake anyone up, or fall asleep)
4:00am - Realize that I've made it more than half way
5:00am - Pray to goodness that time will go faster
5:30am - Still praying
6:00am - Praying harder
6:50am - I've looked at my watch more than 17 times in the last 20 minutes. GO FASTER DAMMIT!
7:00am - I drag my body out of the building, head 'home', throw everything off the bed and fall asleep

*Lather, rinse, repeat.

Staying awake isn't that terrible, it's the alone part that's bad. The girls think that I'm some sort of superwoman for being able to stay awake all night. For the most part, I read my distance ed course stuff. But I can only do that so long as my eyes don't burn, which they tend to do at about 4am. Not to mention that by that time my body is so uncomfortable (damn these plastic university chairs) and achy that I can't sit still for more than 10 minutes. The uncomfortability leads me to read in different postions which spices things up a bit; you can do so many different things with a chair. My mind has also turned to mush and I am thus unable to concentrate on anything other than how nice it would feel to sleep on the floor RIGHT NOW. Besides, there is only so much sociocultural anthropology I can take in one night. Sometimes I look down the hall at my fellow patroller and wonder how tired he's feeling at this exact moment (I got rather annoyed when I realized that he was not reading on the floor, but rather, sleeping). It makes me feel better knowing that I don't suffer alone. I try to make the time go faster by not looking at my watch as often as I'd like and by breaking up my reading with short walks up and down the halls. Going to the bathroom is a highlight. Luckily, I do the water thing as opposed to the caffiene thing so highlights come often.

Weird things do happen to my body as a result of this no sleeping thing. I'm more prone to hiccups, and I noticed that they are harder to stop. I also get pins and needles often, and I can blame my current illness due to weakened immune system on the patrolling as well. I have to keep focussing on the money lest I run out the door screaming. Currently, it is a very sad existence.