Tuesday, May 25, 2004
Back To Work, Back To Work, Then A Date

I'm currently in the office, making phone call after phone call, after stuffing hundreds of envelopes for WLU students-to-be. Usually, it's pretty crappy here; the repetitiveness of stuffing envelopes makes me tired and I have to keep telling business kids on the phone how to succeed in business by doing co-op. It's not all about the money people! I feel good doing these calls sometimes because I know a lot of them are genuinely excited and curious about coming to university. Others are looking at resume padding so that they can get a job placement; I answer their questions even though I don't think they're asking the right ones.

But, I have to admit, sometimes, just sometimes, this job can be entertaining (between all the soul sucking of course). It sounds cruel, but we sometimes make fun of the names that we see on the labels. I mean, how am I supposed to handle a name that is spelled Tsz?
"Hello, can I speak to Tsz please?"

Every now and then, I actually talk to my co-workers and we can have some good conversations. We shared relationship stories today and yesterday, we talked about Classical epics, spurred on by the fact that 2 of them had gone to see Troy. Work ended early, so Jason and I went on a date to McDonalds and then the movies to see Troy ourselves. On it's own, just as a movie, it was pretty good. Lots of action, okay plot and characters. As a Classicist of sorts, I can't just see it as a movie though. The inaccuracies of this movie will create a new generation of the Classically stupid. People will think they know the story of the Trojan War because they saw the movie. No people, that's not how it works. Go read The Iliad or something. The movie was Hollywood sensationalizing and sexualizing another chunk of history; they turned it into the Brad Pitt show.

I will admit that Brad Pitt was nice to look at, and a pro is that I found I could avoid the blood and gore of war by focusing on his skirt as he lept around fighting. I have never wanted a strong breeze more in my life.