Saturday, September 04, 2004
Louisville (pronounced "loo-vul" here) So Far

Jason has been busy with conference stuff a lot so I've been roaming the city on my own the last few days. When the weather is nice the city can be beautiful. There's lots of well kept historical buildings, small roads and clean sidewalks. But when you get over the initial shock of litter-free streets, you realize there isn't much left to look at.

Downtown Louisville is full of tall office buildings, cutesy firms in pretty lofts, and enough restaurants to feed the hungry business people at lunch time. Other than that, there's not much else to do. There's no shopping and in 2 days I've managed to exhaust the list of tourist attractions. I keep going for long walks around the city thinking that I'll find something new and interesting, but so far, I can only find more middle-aged men who look at me in not-so-nice ways.

The old, published academics here at the conference haven't been too bad (there's a 25 year old grad student here! poor guy, I've been latching onto him like a needy schoolgirl). Most of them are smiley and friendly, but are more interested in Jason so that relieves me of The Small Talk Task. However, it further burdens me with The Stand By, Smile and Look Interested Task. I've managed to chat with a few, managed to have lunch with one, but that does not make me any less tense or any less bored. The big closing dinner was tonight. With big tables and lots of academic people sitting at them. Talking about intellectual things that are dangling somewhere 3 feet above my head.

Two words: Open. Bar.