Sunday, September 26, 2004
My Life In This House

Fancy dragon head at the Royal Grand Palace in Bangkok, Thailand.

  • The internet is up and running, which means that I'm back for regularly scheduled (photo) blogging.
  • Whether you like it or not.
  • It's been 2 weeks since I moved in and we still have no phone.
  • And we might not get one until the 30th.
  • Ergo: Sprint and their stupid Bell technicians suck.
  • Note to self: Call back tomorrow and bitch so we can get either (a) more discounts or (b) a freaking working phone line.
  • Another note to self: Learn how to bitch.
  • Weekends tend to get lonely here; one girl goes home to work, one is with her boy all the time and the other one stays in her room all the time.
  • I've officially decided that I never, ever want to live alone.
  • Ever.
  • It's been 2 weeks since I moved in and I've already ruined one of my non-stick pans.
  • I can't tell if it's grease or teflon flaking off into my food.
  • Living with 3 other girls has actually not made me more 'girly'.
  • I've managed to assemble my desk, put my computer together, change my lightbulbs, put up curtains and rearrange my furniture twice, all by myself.
  • And I still don't own hairspray.
  • Or a hairdryer.
  • We have, however, had a long discussion on the merits of waxing over shaving.
  • It turns out that our little residential street has lots of rumbly trucks, roaring motorcycles and speedy cars constantly going up and down.
  • So it ends up being louder than the city's main road.
  • Which is annoying as heck.
  • Good thing I've got the number for local dispatch unit handy.
  • Anyone need a party-pooper?