Sunday, September 19, 2004
A Whole Lotta Nothing

I can't wait until I'm reconnected with the web. Photos will be back up, I'll be around more often, I can use Google whenever I will be good again.

We've got a bit of an Indian Summer going on in Waterloo so the last week has been filled with beautiful sunny days. This makes walking to campus to use the computers a little more bearable. The winds are still a bit chilly but curling up with a mug of tea in a patch of sun keeps me warm enough. That or a good Ibex blanket (this may just be a Canadian thing, but I'm not positive).

I've been feeling kind of cranky and somewhat sad lately because things with the boyfriend are not well. This makes reading textbooks and enjoying tea difficult. Not to mention boring blog entries. But here's to hoping that my life will seem less like a movie in the coming days, and instead resemble the happy-happy joy-joy of before.