Wednesday, November 10, 2004
A La Homer Simpson: Please Don't Tell People How I Live!

I spent nearly $6 on pretty peppers yesterday.

Things that happen to me when I fail miserably at taking care of myself:

- I ingest copious amounts of unhealthy foods, like a full breakfast that consisted of a burger with a giant onion in it, fries and root beer. Later that day, I had ice cream for lunch. With caramel and pecans. In a waffle cone. Dinner was leftover sandwiches from work, a brownie and a big piece of chocolate-caramel cake.

- To offset the 100% I received on a midterm last week, I got one back today (worth 30% of my final grade, mind you) that had a nice 52.5 written in red on it. Yeah. 52.5%. Shirley + financial accounting - studying = EXPLOSION OF BAD MARKS!

- I agreed to go out with a friend at 11pm in the middle of the week (today, Wednesday, hump day!) when I clearly have a major paper due next week that I haven't started.

- I do not do laundry for about a month. Since (Canadian) Thanksgiving. Yeah, that's right. October 13th. I have more clothes than I know apparently. Although I am running out of socks. Laundry day tomorrow, I swear.