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Saturday, December 25, 2004
A Little Note From Shirley's Heart
It took me a while, but I think I finally realized that Christmas isn't about the big dinner or presents. My family did have both of those last night, and in rather copious amounts, but as tender and juicy as the turkey was and as expensive and pretty as the gifts were, they didn't make it feel more like Christmas. The warm fuzzy feelings came at many different times during the night; when we all sat around to talk, laugh, howl in delight, hug and snap silly photos. Family means a lot to me and I'm grateful for big occasions like this becuase it gives everyone you love another reason to gather 'round and have a good time. This Christmas, I hope that everyone is well, merry and enjoying their little break from the headache that is life sometimes. I hope that you can find the time to hug someone really tight and say "I love you", even if it is just once. Show someone that you care, call and pamper for no reason, make someone smile. Do something goofy. Laugh out loud, pretend you're a kid again. Take the time to relax, be close to people, and reconnect. Remember what people mean to you and show them that. As soon as you know you love them, they should too. Pause for a moment, reflect and feel ooey-gooey inside. In moments of joy, stop and feel it all the way down into the core of your bones. Make the time to take care of yourself and be good. Be well. |