Wednesday, December 22, 2004
'Tis The Season For Me To Get The Heck Away From School!

Joy: what I will have once I get this nasty exam done and go home for the holidays!

Fairness has little to do with Christmas. It's the season of love and giving and a lot of other warm, fuzzy feelings.

Regardless, I still think that it's soooo not fair that the university is making me stay on campus until 11am on the 23rd day of the 12th month to write a final exam on Classical Mythology. Did they think that no one would notice if they stuck the nerdy Classics students at the end of the exam schedule? Well, they were wrong because the Registrar's Office has gotten some of us Classics nerds pretty darn upset! This is totally NOT the time of year for me to be memorizing the order of the plays in the Oresteia. I've almost given up on studying...all I want is to be at home, shopping, wrapping presents, lounging around my house in PJs by our fake gas fireplace and listening to Christmas music (which I haven't really been doing at all because I need silence to study)! Erg.

Some people used to tell me that I was/am a big whiner. And I used to be offended because I didn't think that I whined an awful lot. I don't care anymore.

WHIIIIIINNE. I want to go home!