Friday, February 25, 2005
Ooh! Ooh! Me! Pick Me! It's Me!

Who spent two too many hours redesigning that banner thingy at the top of this place (finally) and whined over picking the right colours when she really should have been working on her big papers that are due Monday and Tuesday that she is not nearly even half done? She's a poster child for the worst university student work ethic ever.

Who spends their Wednesday night (until 12am no less) at the library during Reading Week? And had Arrowroot baby cookies for dinner? She made it up by having real food at 12:30am though. And then tops the dinner thing by having a handful of Fisherman's Friends for breakfast the next morning.

See, while she was at the library she managed to catch some sort of bug that made it feel like her throat was bleeding on the inside and so when she was walking around at night breathing the cold, cold winter air, it was more like she was breathing shards of broken glass. This later manifested itself into a monstrous headache that made walking stumbling difficult without holding onto a tree every now and then. She arrived at her friend's house feeling like an octogenarian with her wheezing and coughing and gasping and "You live much too far away" and kidneys hurting. Concentrating on her first episode of the OC was rather problematic and was compounded by the fact that she had no idea who any of the characters were and annoyed said friend with a never-ending series of "Who's that again?". But the candy-cane hot chocolate helped a bit. And so did the hours of TV watching, before collapsing into bed. So the headache is gone now and all that's left is a full body-wracking cough (that sounds like its way too big to be coming out of this little person) filled with nasty ass phlegm.

This makes her a little weary despite the fact that she can say Guess who just got offered a super amazing job for the spring (and thus needs to go to training this weekend)? Who gets to go on 3 day trips to Ottawa, Montreal, Quebec City, Toronto (and all other elementary grad trip destinations) with a bunch of said elementary school kids and gets paid $125 a day for it? Who gets to spend multiple weekends in these cities for training and then gets paid for it? Paid travel training! She'll become so well versed in the history and touristy landmarks and will fall in love all over again with the cobblestone roads of Old Montreal that are filled with music and food and art and all other fantastic summer festival things. Being paid to travel! With kids!

If only you could see the smile on her face.