Wednesday, February 02, 2005
Seriously Rethinking The Need For Titles

Being tired all the time makes me kind of sad. I swear I'm getting enough sleep and the days are bright and sunny, I listen to music when I walk and I'm eating...enough. I've even resorted a couple half-cups of coffee every now and then. I don't know what it is.

The beginning of second semester has been rough and I'm really busy with activities outside the classroom. Rehearsals are often and go late, I've been selected to MC a cultural festival and I still want to audition for the Vagina Monologues. At this rate, I'll be rehearsing for something or other until final exams.

I want it to be the summer again. I'm not necessarily looking forward to this coming summer (actually, thinking about it makes me kind of depressed); I really want to be back in June 2004. I want to be back in that photo up there, digitally clicking away in Saigon, having the sun beat down on me and the humidity making my skin glow. I want to eat strange foods and see new things, I want to spend some time in an airport, I want to feel refreshed and excited. There's a possibility for me to go work in Britain over the summer, but at this point the idea isn't favoured by my family and being alone for months overseas makes me a little nervous. Part of me wishes to plan out my four month break and know exactly what I'll be doing and when, but right now plans seem to be a little self-defeating. For now, I'm going to take things as they come at me and leave things up to whatever Fate seems to be looking after my life.