Wednesday, March 02, 2005
Ill Adventures

I went to Health Services yesterday and can safely say that they do little to calm your worries or heal your sickly body. I sat in the waiting room for an hour, draining their water cooler supply to soothe my phlegmy coughing throat and finally spoke to a nurse and told her all of my coughy-achy-oh-I'm-not-feeling-well-at-all problems. When she left I slept for a bit with my face against the wall. The doctor finally came to see me and to test me for strep throat, stuck a swab down my throat and wiggled it around only to have that send me into another fit of coughs. Nope, not strep. What is it then? Just a cold.

I'm disappointed, folks. At least if it were strep I would be totally validated in feeling this crappy. But now that I know it's just a cold, I feel like I should just suck it up instead.

He gave me a handful of Advils, a bottle of Robitussin the size of my thumb and sent me on my way.

Sucking it up was not easy this morning. My head felt like it weighed more than my whole body and I wandered around like a zombie. I got up for half an hour and decided (after applying my mascara - boo) that I felt way too crappy to go to class. So I went back to bed (nothing smeared though - yay). I got up for work later on, but then called in sick. Back to bed. I finally got up at 7pm and promptly did my laundry and made a soup (from scratch!). I realized that I was more productive tonight in two hours than I have been all week.

So even though I'm sick, I'm allowed to be awake past 1am and blogging because I've only been up for about 6 hours.

Hm. Nothing to do really. I think I'm going back to bed.