Note To SelfIf you are ever feeling uber-mopey again, whether it is due to the dreary weather, realizing that the proposition from a friend to be 'friends with benefits' is not up your alley, or remembering that the ex-boy refers to you as 'the girl who got jealous' and hearing that he is now saying stuff like he's 'never been happier', here's what you do:
- do not eat the chocolate bar that you bought from a cute kid at your door for $3 to raise money for something you don't remember because even though the wrapper says 'milk chocolate with roasted almonds', you know that it really is just 'chocolate that is so sweet that it burns your teeth with just TWO roasted almonds'
- walk over to a friend's house with air conditioning and there
- remember that you are meeting lots of great new boys and you really shouldn't scare them off (moreso than you already have with this blog)
- listen to Alanis Morrisette
3:57 pm