Friday, August 26, 2005
Secretly, I Want You Buried In The Yard

Someone called me cynical today, and though I said (quite truthfully), "I barely know what that word means", I agreed with him. I later looked it up. We were right.

I have to keep reminding myself, Never assume you know what someone else is thinking or feeling. You don't know you don't know You Don't Know. Sometimes I wish other people would remind themselves too.

You don't know, you know. And if one day, you'd like to know, ask me. I'll probably tell you too. Simple as that.

And I try not to forget that that applies to me too. I don't know what you think or feel and though I'd desperately love to, here I am, making assumptions and hoping to goodness they're not all true. I don't know how I'll ever know the truth though. I'm not one for solutions and I'm sure there's a part of me that quite enjoys leaving things in limbo.

Tonight I'm going to a Blog Party. I had sinking feelings about it before and I can't say that they've all effectively disappeared. Oh gawd, people are going to judge me and think that I'm like this that and the other thing based on the goofy things I write and they're going to think that that that that...I was assuming that people weren't going to like me, and then I remembered that hey - I Don't Actually Know That. So I'm going to ingest half a bottle of sloe gin, listen to some fun music and hope that it all works out for the best. If I'm lucky, I'll come home with a free scanner too.