Thursday, March 23, 2006
Spring Forward

New season, new digs in every way possible. New haircut, new ideas, new plans, new take on life. I've had to make some pretty big and difficult decisions lately, but I think that things will work out just fine in the end. Change, so much change! I gotta tell you, I CAN'T WAIT for the next year and a half. It's going to be a good 18 months. Especially the next four. Can't wait.

(In the meantime, the next month will be hell on wheels because I've got four big papers to write, five full exams, an early tour to Quebec City (get this: THREE coach buses and me. That's ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY CHILDREN and ME. Let's all hold hands and pray that I'll come back alive, yes?), paperwork, some shopping for new gadgets and a lot of stuff to clean out and get rid of. I know, Me The Pack Rat is going to clean out her closet. Deep breath.)

I'll spill my beans eventually, but I just don't want to jinx anything right now. Besides, one thing that I don't like doing is talking to everyone about doing something big and then not have that plan come to fruition. So, rather than feeling a bit dumb because I got foiled, I'm going to wait until things are confirmed and set in stone and all that jazz before I publicly celebrate the good news. If your curiosity is too much to bear, send me an email and I'll do a bit of private, premature sharing. I'm just about ready to burst at the seams from keeping all this in anyway.

In other news, I'm sick again. After just one week of sweet, sweet healthy-ness! Damn, is this a sign that my body is revolting, or what? I suppose I could have brought this back on by being so busy, stressed out and staying up until 3am to read and then walking home in the freezing cold, but I swear, I have so much mucous in me that it's trying to leave my head by going out through my right eye. Good times.

Update at about 7:30pm: A Tale of Good, Bad and Ugly

Why is it that every time I write a happy-happy joy-joy post, something bad happens within the next few hours? See Thursday March 16, when I asked Life to Bring It On. Not only did Life do just that, Life upped and smacked me in the face with It. Granted, It was a silly ex-boy non-issue that I got over soon enough, but still. And now, about three hours ago, I'm all happy and "Yay! Everything's so swell and things are changing but things are good! I can't wait! YAY!" Well, right after I put those thoughts out there, I realize that the mucous that's trying to escape through my eye is really bugging me. One trip to the bathroom mirror later and hey, look at that! It's pink-eye! Good times indeed. (Yes, the second mucous starts coming out of one's eye, one should definitely start thinking PINK EYE and take care of it ASAP.)

So I cart my already tired arse over to Health Services only to find out that there's no doctors around who can write me a prescription. So I sigh and go down the street to the walk-in clinic. It turns out they're not taking anymore patients for the night. What luck. I look pitiful and confused and in the end, I'm the last person they admit. More than an hour later, I get called in but I realize that the pharmacy next door is closing in 10 minutes and I haven't even seen the doctor yet. And no, all the other pharmacies within walking distance are closed. The luck is definitely bad. However, the nurse convinces them to stay open for a bit longer, just to wait for me. Aw.

So I get a tube of this super-duper eye-drop stuff and I'm to take two drops twice daily. Problem: this is not your typical eye-drop stuff, it's eye-GOO. It's thick and opaque and GOOEY. This stuff is supposed to go in MY EYE? When I tried to put it in, most of it got caught in my eyelashes, probably because my eyes are in self-preservation mode and are trying to expel all gooey things from it. So I'm back on campus now, sitting here telling you this story of what goodness there is in my life, what badness arose suddenly and the ugly, ugly, pink-y red and green mucous and gooey white mess that is now my right eye (N.B.: Eyes and green mucous do not mix well. It's GREEN! What the hell is it doing in there?!). I'm already sick, I missed my night class for all this and I can barely see because this super-duper eye-goo stuff has formed a film over my eyeball and is blurring my vision. How am I supposed to read articles and write a twelve page paper like this?

And this is where I shut up, go home and cook dinner. By myself. With one eye.
