Sunday, April 16, 2006
Rub A Dub Dub Random

One thing I like about being at home in M-town is that I get to take a bath whenever I want. My bathtub in the Loo is a funny yellow colour with rust spots here and there - generally not a place that I want to sit soaking in. I just spent about 30 minutes splashing around in the squeaky clean pristine tub here at home and now my fingers are all pruney.

Speaking of pruney, that reminds me of last night. It was about 2:30am and we were sitting by the lake talking about something that urged me to use the word 'pruney' and so I did(!) and then he laughed and I thought it was the most...wonderful and/or ridiculous thing.

What in the h-e-double hockey sticks was I doing by THE LAKE at 2:30 in the morning? Beats me. Innocently enough, we started out like this:

At 9:30pm we re-met for the first time in his grandfather's Honda? Civic? some other Japanese car? and shook hands to make it official. Ten minutes later and we were at the local Chapters buying a Teach Yourself Spanish kit (it came with a book and two audio CDs!), a map of the world (ooh! antique style!) and a $100+ MCAT study guide. We got nudged out of the store at closing and found ourselves seated around black currant and barley flavoured bubble teas. Yes, I did say barley and it was in fact ordered, tasted and drank because believe it or not, grain-flavoured drinks CAN be yummy and NOT taste like breakfast. Three hours of conversation about smoking and siblings and gifted-ness and ruckus-causing and school and goals and jobs and travel and messed-up-Asian-families and blogs and stalking later, and we were still not ready to go home.

Let's go to P-Mall.
Why? It's 1:30am, it'll be closed.
Oh well, it'll be fun.
*raised eyebrow*
*shrug* Mmkay.

It was indeed closed (duh) and outside was COLD so we opted to sit in the car where it was warm and just drive around, listening to Edge 102 and just talk and joke around and be sarcastic with each other like we had already been doing all night. Shoot the shit, as he says. We ended up driving 20-some-odd minutes south - the equivalent of about an inch on a map of Ontario - headed right for Lake Ontario, where the full moon reflected off the sparkling water and we dared each other to remember that exact moment when we're 80 years old.

This is when the 'pruney' incident happened. I said it, he laughed, I was incredulous.

Give me another half-hour and I've got the guy on a swingset, pumping furiously, going higher and higher, having a fantastic time. I'm smiling inside and out - it's great to be seven years old again, eh? Damn, it felt good to swing again. I haven't done that since last summer. I'm just that cool, peeps - I take boys to the park at 3 in the morning to go on the swings. I'm so cool that I deserve a cookie.

Alright, if we can find a 24-hour convenience store, I will buy you a cookie.
Really? Okay. Let's do it.
I'm serious, I want a cookie.

We ended up at a Tim Horton's and I got two cookies instead of one. It's about 3:30am at this point and we finally confess to being tired. But I didn't get to go home just yet, I got the grand tour of his place and the pleasure of seeing animal furs all over his house. Oh look, there's a bear on the wall, and that's another one, and yay, there's a giant deer head in the corner and whoopee, that's a fox draped over your couch. Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you, my dad hunts. Come on, touch the tail, it's so soft! Just don't look at the head, it's just the tail, come on, touch the tail. No. No no no, a thousand times no.

At about 4:00am, I walk in the door. At 9:30pm I said to my parents, "Okay, I'm going to Chapters, I'll be back in a bit." Seven hours later, and I'm finally home.

I thought you went to the bookstore last night, my mum says to me this morning. I did, I reply. So what did you do until 4 o'clock in the morning then? I don't know...nothing and everything, all at once.