Monday, July 24, 2006
From A To BC

So I'm done with the Asia thing, for now. The last week or so was spent in Beijing and back in Ho Chi Minh tying up some loose ends. Having finally been to The Motherland, I can say that it felt as much foreign as it did familiar. Regardless, I don't think any of us were ready to leave yet, but we did it anyway. Taking off in the plane for home didn't feel any more different than taking off for another city somewhere in Asia, something we did about six times since we left sunny Canada. After nearly a full day of travelling, I said goodbye to the fam and landed here in B.C. where I'm staying for two weeks before heading back to M-Town.

I've got my best bud, the mountains on one side and the ocean on the other. It's a wonder if I ever make it home.