Friday, September 15, 2006
Still Alive, Not Kicking So Much

Life hasn't really been conducive to blogging lately - which is strangely good and sucky at the same time.

A good way to start the day: Corn Flakes, almond and raisin granola, blueberries and banana cereal. Chatting with your awesome roomster. Riding to school on a red, red bike that used to belong to your little brother when he was 12.

A bad way to start the day: Getting dumped. I think. I'm not really sure what just happened here. Am I actually feeling hurt? Huh. Is that heart? aching? Did I just hold back a sob? Strange, I thought I was numb to all that by now. Dammit Heart, STOP FEELING THINGS.

Why the hell do I keep thinking that relationships are going to be good for me?

Eff this, I'm going to school.