Friday, October 06, 2006
Other Than The Old Biddy Upstairs, It's A Good Morning

What I'd really like to do now is not write this paper proposal that was due yesterday, but make an omelette with green peppers and onions and mushrooms for my roomster so that when she gets up for her 11:30 class, she's got a nutritious brekkie to start her day off right, or I suppose I'd rather check emails and go through old photos of friends in high school because man, I'm missing them a lot these days, or I suppose I could go upstairs and smack my landlady because not only did she say we can't shower past 11pm (come ON, we're students, we don't do anything with ourselves until it's dark outside), but she also told me this morning that I'm not allowed to have overnight visitors unless they're family from out of town which I think is the most ridiculous thing that anyone has said to me in a while because HELLO I'm an adult now and I'm paying to live in this house and perhaps I should be sympathetic to the fact that you may be suffering from ye olde Empty Nest syndrome, but I am not your child to boss around. Period.

Now to finish this proposal before I get on that bus for home. I hope my moussaka keeps well in the fridge while I'm gone for four days.