Monday, August 20, 2007
Approaching Autumn

It's an unseasonably blustery day. The sky is grey, but clear, except for the few streaks of wispy clouds floating about here and there. My window is open just a crack, enough to let in the chilly breeze and the smell of approaching Autumn. I'm wrapped in the sweater my mum wore when she was pregnant with me, an old-fashioned white thing with little pockets and big buttons. I just crawled out of bed, not having slept in, but having spent the morning under my covers, reading the last chapters of HP5 in preparation for finally seeing the movie. My feet are cold now. I'm going to head for my sock drawer soon, fish out something warm, colourful and cheery and curl up in bed again. This time with Love Actually, maybe a hot drink and my own melancholy. No doubt a mushy romance movie like Love Actually will make my rapidly greying mood worse.

It's been just about three years and the onset of Fall still makes me want to hibernate until winter has gone and spring is in bloom again.