Sunday, December 16, 2007
No Resolve

Yesterday: Saturday.

Planned: Fifteen hour study session from 9am to 12am in a lab on campus by myself in comfy clothes with packed lunch, dinner and snackies.

Actual: I slept in a bit, had a leisurely brekkie, and then a quick phone conversation with the roomie (who, in all her wonderfulness is done with school for the term and is relaxing at home in M-Town - wah!). I did some distracted reading that involved me doing mindless laps around the apartment, tweezing my eyebrows, picking at my face, and eating. Then I went to campus and spent five hours bumming around on the internet (including, but not limited to: a conversation with my best friend, reading through my archives, and watching Britney Spears music videos), realized I wasn't doing anything at all, so why bother pretending, and came home to reschedule a date for that night. I then spent an hour and a half showering, hair drying, getting dressed and doing my make-up, only to find out that he was running late - so I had dinner by myself while on the phone with my best bud for two hours (who - I have to say - in all her charm, tried to get me to picture my brother in my head if I were to kiss my date because they share the same name - great). When he did show up, I realized that I had just been picked up by the most well-dressed man I'd ever met in real life. He wore cufflinks and had a pocket square. 'Nuf said. (I didn't even know it was called a pocket square before last night.) I came home a few hours later filled with delicious flatbread, cheesecake, champagne (yup, he ordered champagne for us - I can't remember the last time I had real champagne!), and a couple cocktails, all of which made for a wonderful warm, fuzzy and lightheaded feeling as I giddily danced into my room and fell into bed.

Variance: Six chapters of reading and review questions not done. Three grade points in the downward direction.

So since I spent all of yesterday doing jack-all, I resolved to do as much studying as possible when I got up today since my big, scary exam is tomorrow morning. It's now 9pm and still, I have done little other than daydream about what I'm going to wear the next time I see this boy and what other fancy accessories of his I'll get to learn about.