Thursday, April 03, 2008
Grand Plans

At a little party I went to a few weeks ago, I stood awkwardly in the kitchen with a lovable, yet awkward, boy who had just moved here and had no real idea as to what to do with his life. He lamented the fact that he had no plans and I could fully understand where he was coming from. There I was, on the brink of graduation and moving out in a matter of weeks, with no real plans either. But I had let go of my compulsive need to plan for the future a long time ago. At any given point in the last couple of years, I only knew my what my life was to be a few months at a time. So I said to him, "Screw the long term planning. Things will change. Let's just decide what we are going to do right now." And we decided to go out into the living room and eat deviled eggs and life was going to be grand.

And it is. I've been a lucky ass biatch for some time now and things haven't changed much (thank goodness). I'm officially done school on Monday and for the next two weeks while I'm still in town, I don't have any obligations other than to perform in my play, go out afterwards with friends (and maybe finish that 1.14L bottle of rum I picked up on the way home from NYC), and veg. I finish my stint at the theatre on the 12th, move on the 14th, and head to New York on my first tour of the season on the 17th. Tours will employ my time until the end of June, then I head to Quebec the first week of July to be immersed in French for five weeks until August. I spend a few days at home, then move back HERE for training for a new job with the university that will take me until the middle of November.

And just like that I have plans for the next seven months. Bam!

But for now, I get my naked ass out of this bed, perhaps clean off the milk I spilled on the comforter a little more, head to work for an exit interview and goodbye luncheon, and then who knows? Grocery shopping? Rehearse lines for opening night? Make butternutsquash-sweetpotato-coconutcurry soup?

Whatever it is, life will be grand.