Sunday, March 29, 2009
Good, And Not So Good

The office crush is crushing back, which is both a good thing and a not so good thing. Good, for obvious reasons I should think - unrequited crushing is cool, but when it's reciprocated it's more exciting! - and I do look forward to the messages and late night conversations... But it's not so good for very important reasons. I don't particularly like drama, despite the fact that I often find myself wrapped up in it. And by engaging in anything with Office Guy I am most surely putting myself in a potentially awkward situation.

Though the office is large and filled with 60-some people, we do tend to see and/or have lunch together almost every day. He's also part of the I.T. Thursday night gang and I in no way want to jeopardize my fun-loving relationships with the rest of the I.T. guys by messing around with one of their clan. And when he comes over to my desk to say hello or whatnot, I'm never quite sure what kinds of conversations to have with him because my partner is sitting RIGHT THERE and I most definitely do not want to give her, or anyone else within earshot, any ideas as to the fact that he and I talk at nights, nevermind what it is that we talk about.

Good, I suppose, because this could be fun. The office tension, the secret conversations, the possibility of an emotionless spring fling, the scandal! But not so good because I don't actually think we're compatible and he called me "cute". Twice. There were exclamation marks used, and enthusiasm is never a bad thing, but COME ON - what almost 25-year old wants to be called "cute"?