Sunday, March 01, 2009
A Taste Of My Own Medicine

I can't stand working when it's the weekend, and yet I've been bringing home stacks and stacks of applications to screen every night. And since I've been so busy at the office with interviews, a little project that I thought was done when I handed it to my manager last week also followed me home on Friday evening. Well, it's also home with me because I messed up. How fabulous - my first big, detailed oriented task and I mess it up. Way to embarrass myself not only to my manager, but also to the Director of IT who just recently added me to LinkedIn...?

Anyway, it's Sunday night at 9pm and I'm scrambling to get this work done for tomorrow morning. This is what I get for spending my whole weekend burning through Season 3 of Project Runway. (I even skipped yoga - both days!) I may or may not have also fallen asleep this afternoon after watching all the special features on the DVD... For the record, I totally liked Season 2 better.

...and I really wish I was watching it right now as opposed to being stressed out about figuring out our phone needs for the upcoming travel season. I nearly went blind scrutinizing sales reports and counting days the first time around. If only I wasn't an idiot and hadn't forgotten a very obvious detail (two tour leaders need two phones, not one DUH), I wouldn't be here right now. Oy, I really should have gotten this done on Saturday. Oh wait - I couldn't have(!) because I was busy buying my parents a car(!) since I wrecked theirs. I now know what it's like to be really, really pressed for money and writing a cheque for thousands upon thousands of dollars? is a weird feeling.