Wednesday, August 05, 2009
Germany So Far...

What's cruel, because all of life's happinesses always seem to need some element of not-so-happy, of course, is that I have had to leave Paris and the fresh baguettes and delicious wines and the cute Canadian boy that lives there and come to Frankfurt, where my first souvenir is a bill for a 40 euro fine for not having a ticket with me on the train en route to meeting my friend.

[Luckily, the nice German boy I met on the platform pulled out his wallet and paid the fine for me because I didn't even have 40 euros to my name at that point. This was after he helped me figure out where I was going, carried my pack, offered to show me Frankfurt because I was alone, but before he got off at my stop with me to make sure I met my friend alright. I probably owe him my first-born.]

Lesson learned, wallet empty, missing Paris.