Saturday, August 23, 2003
In A Good Moooooood

I was just checking my e-mail, here in HALIFAX, and I came across this:

Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2003 21:00:03
Subject: Hi
From: "Pamela Clare"

Hi, Shirley

I just wanted to thank you for reading my book. I hope you enjoyed it. I saw
a mention of it via Google when I was searching for reviews to put on the
jacket of my second book.

I hope you're well. And thanks again!

All my best,
Pamela Clare
Pamela Clare
SWEET RELEASE, March 2003, Leisure
CARNAL GIFT, March 2004, Leisure

How cool is that? It was this post that led an international romance author to write to me! WOW. Pamela Clare e-mailed me. I feel like I was just blessed.

Anyway, I'm still spending my days here in Halifax, walking around, church hopping, shopping, cross-stitching, and spending wonderful quality time with the boyfriend. We've been eating a lot of seafood; can you believe they sell platters of mussels here for only $1.99? And you wouldn't believe the prices of salmon. It's fantastic, but I don't really care since I'm not much of a shellfish fan. Jason, however, is eating the stuff like you'd never find it anywhere else ever again.

Last night we took a walk along the harbourfront and visited Cow's, a lovely little store that sells expensive, but yummy ice cream and all sorts of cow merchandise. Much to my wallet's dismay and heart's content, I picked up a Cowy Potter t-shirt for myself. I'm going to be the coolest girl on my floor in September! The stuff was hi-LAR-ious. If I were rich, I would've bought everything in the dang place. Some of my favourite shirts include: Amooican Idol, Cow Wars, I Am Cownadian, Moovivor, and Winnie The Moo.

We just had lunch over at the only McDonald's for kilometers here in Halifax. The half hour walk was worth it as I finally got to try the famous McLobster! At $5.99, the only part of the cold sandwich that was worth the money is the fact that I can say that I've tried one from now on. 'Fast food' in Halifax should be renamed to 'slow, methodical food'. Anyway, I'm using up my free minutes here at a new internet cafe, IntenCity. Thank goodness for promotional coupons, or else I wouldn't be blogging right now.

Off to the Museum of Natural History!