Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Fodder -I've Got Nothing Better

The excellent thing about leaving a place for a month and then coming back is that you breathe deep when you walk in the door and actually take some time to appreciate where you are. It's also nice to see that you were missed by the 222 e-mails (no joke - and only about thirty of those were spam) or the I-don't-even-remember-how-many messages on your answering machine and espcially by the pile of bills with your name on them.

The bad thing is listening to those messages on your answering machine and realizing that The Movie People called and The Theater People called and they didn't bother to e-mail you so you didn't get their messages until almost a month later when it's obviously too late to call them back. Yeah, the movie thing didn't work out (sorry, I meant to tell you) because of my tour schedule. The lead actor had more priority than me (damn him!) and they had to shoot around his schedule and it turned out that I didn't fit into his schedule AT ALL. So, no movie for me. Annnd remember the time I auditioned but didn't get the part? Turns out they wanted me after all, BUT DIDN'T E-MAIL ME so I didn't get the message until NINETEEN days later when they had obviously re-casted.

Surprisingly, I'm not too bitter about missing out on these (fantastic) opportunities (sob! I suppose I am a bit....) because I've been pre-occupied with the other fantasmic schtuff I'm doing. Dude, I'm co-ordinating the largest Career Fair in the country! I just spent two months travelling around Ottawa and Quebec City with kids! Dan left me a hot chocolate and an apple in my mailbox the other morning (talk about a good start to the day)! I just baked two delicious Super Duper Apple Pies (I make a meeeeaan apple pie) and had a lovely BBQ dinner with Fraser (with lots of wine) to celebrate The First Day of Summer! I heart Annia! I'm going to California!! And being the lucky gal I am, I actually know people in LA so in case anything bad happens, I've got boys to look out for me. I leave in a week and I don't know where I'm staying yet (when I'm not at the university for the conference), so I'd better get on that.

Things are good - thanks for asking.