Sunday, March 26, 2006

I'm in a rotten mood. Like an orange going moldy from the inside and is thusly turning the outside to mush kind of rotten.

All I want is a hair straightener. A Chi ceramic hair straightener. Ever since I washed my hair after I got it cut, it's been pouffy and I can't get it to look as sleek as the stylist did. I can't get back to that walking out of the salon with a fresh new look kind of look. And I want that. So I've been on eBay for days on end now trying to bid on these fancy Chi hair straighteners and my goodness, these women are CRAZY. I've bid on and lost NINE items because I can't keep up with them. The rates at which they outbid! The speed and agility and strategy. It's frustrating, but impressive.

I'm desperate here people. All I want is a hair straightener. I don't have time to constantly monitor eBay and change my bids because it's a waste of time and I've made it a priority and there's nothing as bad as getting your priorities all out of whack. I'm stressed out with school and I have three papers due this week, a major tour (120 kids and me, remember?) to take on the weekend, another paper due the next week, and exams coming up the weekend after. And then there's my jobs and the fact that I'm sick with a cold and a throat infection and an eye infection in both eyes (yes, the pink eye spread - woohoo!) and the fact that I'm realizing that I have shitty friends and the only person in town that I can depend on is my roomie and people generally don't care and they suck. Not to mention the fact that I'm dealing with housing issues right now and I'm in a lab on campus on a Sunday night working on a twelve page paper that is totally not writing itself when there are inconsiderate people all around me doing GROUP WORK in a QUIET LAB when they should really just shut the fuck up and leave.

(I know I'm totally playing the angsty role right now and I'm sure it's annoying as all hell to keep reading shite like this, but lemme tell ya: It's much more annoying to be feeling this day after day. I don't like the people I know and used to call friends of mine because they treat me like something disposable; I need to cut the crap ones out of my life and move on and find better friends, because I'm positive there are better ones out there and I know there's got to be more to life than this. (Ever notice how the word 'this' is the same as the word 'shit', but the letters are just mixed around? So, this = shit. This is shit. Neato, huh?))

All I want is a hair straightener.

Updateroo: Okay, so not everyone is a jerk and I know that. Miss Ashley, for example, showed up to the campus computer lab that I've been in for six hours at 12:30am with a CocoPuffs Milk n' Cereal bar, cheese and crackers, and a fruit cup all for me (for herself she has Pop Tarts, a can of coke, Red Bull, Advil and lip balm). You may remember her from here, the BSB concert that I never really wrote about/followed up on, skydiving(!) and oh, there's lots of other fun adventures that we've had that are too cool to chronicle on this bloggy blog. Ooh, and I spent St. Patrick's Day with her - photos of that debaucherous night to come!