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Friday, January 31, 2003
Exams Are Over And I'm Exhausted, But I'm Free!
I came this close to seeing Chicago last night, but I didn't...again. Who knows how long it will remian on my To See List. Instead, the girls and I had a girls night in and got a free rental of About A Boy. What a lovely movie! All the stars are British or have some sort of accent which is always extra nice, and it's been a while since I've seen character development like this. Hugh Grant goes from a selfish, shallow, lying and plain old awful man to a rather nice one. And the boy who plays Marcus starts out a little bit off, but ends up being incredibly endearing. I wouldn't say it's a romance, although there is some of that in it...I wouldn't say it's a drama because it has quite a bit of humour, but I wouldn't say humour because of all the drama.... My final say on this matter? It's a feel good movie for all. And I liked it tons. 6:00 pm Tuesday, January 28, 2003
Exam Week
I find myself in the midst of exam week, the last of my high school career and I don't think I'm going to miss it. With the juniors writing Summatives, the halls are noisy, the library is noisy and the caf is noisy. I remember the good ol' days when the school was dead silent during exams. People wore pyjamas or sweats and the girls didn't bother putting on make-up. The air would be tense and stressed...everyone was studying. It's not like that anymore. I wrote my Calculus exam last Friday and there were classes going on around me. Noisy classes. Someone even had the grace to walk down the hall stomping their feet extra loudly. How courteous of them. I'm not as stressed as I thought I would be, but perhaps I'm just hiding it very well. Last week as I was studying for Calculus, I got distracted and started staring at my blank computer screen. Then, I slapped myself. I slapped myself. My hand got up by itself, and it slapped me on the cheek for not studying. No matter how many times I say it, I still can't believe it. I slapped myself. Yeesh, talk about self-discipline. 12:04 pm Monday, January 27, 2003
For Everything Else, There's Mastercard
Super-strength dish detergent: $4.49 Heavy duty dishwashing gloves: $1.99 New package of brillo pads: $2.99 Making sure all your utensils are clean after you caught your parents having sex in the kitchen: priceless That story's not true, I made it up while doing the dishes just half an hour ago. 4:02 pm Monday, January 20, 2003
Once Upon A Time
I'm currently on the phone with Garius Yimius, but neither of us are talking. We're actually both blogging. What a small world. I'm suddenly reminded of that scene in Armageddon, when Liv asks Ben if he thinks there's anyone else on earth doing the exact same thing they were. And they were having quite the good time too. I never thought you could do that with Animal Crackers. *** It was a sunny Saturday afternoon, and I remember being strapped into the backseat of the family car. We were on our way to some place, where...I forget, but I do remember that red light we stopped at. There was a woman in a car next to us, blonde hair, glasses, bobbing her head to some music that I couldn't hear. And I looked at her. Stared. I stared so hard that I eventually became her. Suddenly, I was a blonde twenty-something year old, sitting in her car, turning her head slightly and seeing a small Chinese girl looking straight at her. I was in that car, and I felt the steering wheel and I heard the music. The light turned green sooner than I had hoped and I watched as she drove away. Wherever she was going. Maybe to go shopping, meet a friend, pick up her kids, pick up her dry-cleaning, who knows. All I know is at that moment, I realized that other people lived. Not just existed, but lived. They had lives of their own and when I was at school, they were at work, and when I was at home, they probably were at home too...and at the exact moment that I'm doing something, they're doing something else. It's so hard to explain the beauty that I felt at that moment, the beauty that washes over me every now and again. Best epiphany ever. 11:22 pm
There's No Place That I Could Be Without You
I'm stressed. But I'm hiding it extremely well. Except for when you ask me about the Millennium Scholarship. Honestly, that thing is eating me alive. I worked all weekend on it, and all I had left to do was get my reference, find a 9x12 envelope (yes, they specified the envelope size) and mail the darn thing. BUT, I noticed an instruction this morning that I had overlooked all weekend long: Use a typrewriter or computer (minimum character size: 10 point). I used 9.5 pt most of the time and there are some answers in 9 pt. GAAAAH! I couldn't concentrate all morning and wasted a whole period of precious biology study time. So at lunch I call the Foundation to see what the penalties are. Possible disqualification. Oy vey. So, guess what I'm doing tonight? Resizing all my answers to 10 pt and editing out fluff since I no longer have room to squeeze in creativity. I was vexed. So I head to the mall to buy a hat (because if I don't, I'm going to lose my ears to the wind this week) and to relax with a bit of shopping. Yay for my new $9 shirt from Bluenotes. However, much to my dismay, the wonderful winter sales did not help with my cheering up. And so I decided to treat myself to something nice and headed to the Second Cup to buy myself a nice latte or delato or anything rich and chocolatey, and just...sit. And sip. But the fates were against me today and vexed me further with a $5 minimum debit purchase. On one hand, I was upset at my lack of sitting and sipping, but on the other, I was glad a drink didn't have to cost me $5. I just saw the video for Zwan's Honestly, and despite what the DJ on Edge 102 says, it's not the best video I've seen. Sure, it's good...and I did get that warm, fuzzy feeling, but that comes with the song, not the video. It kind of makes you think Billy is dating the girl guitarist actually. And speaking of Billy, I don't think I've ever seen that man's teeth before today. Honestly (no pun intended), I've never seen him smile! But in this video, does he ever! It's not bad looking either. And seeing him happy made me happy and in the end it was all happy. 6:47 pm Sunday, January 19, 2003
Version 4.7
Secret Passions: - Filing - Sucking up dust bunnies with a vacuum - Flossing - Not doing homework What Makes Me Sad: - Blogger losing most of my archives I sincerely hope this is nothing but a glitch in the system or something...how can the archives after November 23 suddenly be lost? I hope it's just me and my sucky Netscape 4.7. 8:05 pm
Perpetual History X
I've been linked for the first time ever! Hopefully, for the first time in my blogging career, not ever. Jason has kindly embraced me in his Perpetual Stroll community. He is actually one of the two main reasons why I'm here at all. Him and Dawn with her Life Uncommon. Two blogs that motivated me to have my own, two blogs definitely worth your time.There's a certain je ne sais quoi about Life Uncommon, and Dawn's a great photographer to boot. Jason is like King Midas, but he doesn't turn everything to gold, he simply inspires it to be the best it can be. He's kind of like the army actually. We almost went to Antarctica together. He was crazy enough to consider it, I was crazy enough to say yes. But bad things happened to us despite the fact that we're good people, and we never got to go. My foolish optimism has me thinking that I can try one more time and somewhere, someone will pull some string and I'll end up getting a $9000 trip to the South Pole. The bank account I opened to keep our non-existant funds finally closed itself last week. Alright, one debt down, one to go. I think I might actually just leave this other one alone too. I mean, it's just the library. What are they going to do? And I'm moving away in September anyway; they'll never be able to find me! Bwahaha. 6:41 pm Saturday, January 18, 2003
Saturdays With Mum
Every Friday night, I'm out late doing something fun. And every Saturday morning, I wake up earlier than most people and head out to the grocery stores with my mother. She's armed with various flyers, all the sale items circled, of course. We hit all the Chinese supermarkets and come home loaded with weird vegetables, raw meat and too much fruit. My favourite part has got to be bagging groceries. I think in a previous life, I was a check-out girl and bagged groceries for a living. Well, by day only. By night I was most likely superhero. Anyway. Bagging the groceries, then coming home and putting them all away. Honestly, I love it! I can't wait until next year when I can do my own grocery shopping. My mom and I had extended mother-daughter time today as we organized my closet as well. She got the urge to donate clothing to the Salvation Army last night and cleaned her closet already. It was easier than I thought, but my pack-rat tendencies made me keep a lot of strange items from the 80s. I hope that I keep enough funny things from my time to pass onto my daughter so she can laugh at me. Not that I laugh at my parents' old clothes...wait, yes I do. You should see some of these things! But at the same time, I wonder at the times they lived in and cherish the memories that come with the weird clothes. At one point, I'm buried in my closet and I hear something strange coming from my mother. Something to the effect of: "...mmmpphhhh...mmmmmppphhhhhh...." I turn around and see that she has her head stuck in a turtleneck sweater that is waaaaay too small. I crack up and ignore her request for help. (I'm still laughing as a matter of fact.) She manages to pull it off, but insists on keeping it because it still "fits". Oh mother. 4:29 pm Tuesday, January 14, 2003
It's A Damn Cold Night
It was deathly cold today, and I almost lost my ears on the way to school despite the fact that I was wearing a hat. I have decided to deem today "Confessional Tuesday". If I have anything to confess I will do it on a Tuesday or a day just like it (ie: any other day of the week). And so, my confession for today: I think I like Avril Lavigne's music. And it makes me sick. I hate the girl, I swear! Sure, "Complicated" was a catchy song, but when it started to get over-played and when I realized she was supposed to go into country music, I started to dislike her. Avril: I like country music! Music Exec: You'll make more money if you like punk! Avril: P-pu-unnnkkk? Music Exec: Yeah! Just wear this tie all the time, then put eyeliner around here and pretend to be a real bad-ass! Avril: I don't get to sing country anymore? Music Exec: You'll make lots of money.... Avril: Mmm...okay! *GAG*. I managed to hate her for so long, despite the fact that everyone around me loved her. But now, I'm starting to go over to the dark side. A few weeks ago I forced myself to listen to "Sk8er Boi" (what the hell is with her spelling?!) every time it came on and now I listen to "I'm With You" all the time in an effort to recognize her actual talent. I guess it's kind of working because I do recognize the fact that she can actually sing...kind of. And her songs are infectiously catchy. Damn her! The only thing I don't like (or fear, even) is that she's making punk mainstream. It's not supposed to be something that you market, and sure there are lots of punk bands out there that are marketed, but they didn't start doing it to get popular. Punk is a lifestyle, not something you live off of. I will listen to her music if I have to, I know that she can sing, but until I find out that punk was a part of her life before she met those big wigs, I will not respect her as an artist. Remember, her dream was to be a country singer. And by the by, I wore ties with tank tops in Grade 9. 6:51 pm Monday, January 13, 2003
I can't keep away from this place. Even when I try. And I do try...kind of. Today was a day full of GSA (Gay-Straight Alliance). I kept Sarah company at lunch during sign ups and I played Travel Connect Four for the first time. In the past, I have honestly sucked at this game. But today, oh today was different. I kicked Sarah's a** twice! (That'll upset her if she reads this.) Tee hee. But to be fair, I have to say that she did in fact win three games when I only won two. Sarah makes me laugh. AND I attended my first GSA meeting today, and how exciting it was. I have been an avid fan and supporter since last year, however all meetings are held on Fridays after school and you know where I am every Friday (with Greg). We only get one day a week and so I must cherish it. But today was special since the Day of Silence is coming up and some last minute planning needed to be done. It's this Wednesday and I can't wait to prove Alex wrong. I can spend a day without saying a word you know. Really! Just you watch. All I have to do is find myself a trusty chalkboard and I'll be perfectly fine. Tegan and Sara are still playing in my head and I'm glad because they make me happy. Ever since I watched Ally McBeal when it first aired, I have believed that everyone should have a soundtrack. The soundtrack to my life would definitely include Tegan and Sara. I have this preoccupation with my life being a movie. Every now and then I pretend there's a camera nearby and I put on a nice show for the people. 6:19 pm
Monday Monday Monday
My English ISP was finally returned to me today, with a whopping 94%! I also managed to raise my CNAP ISP by 2 marks which brings me to another 94%! I'm happy. I still have tons more to do regardless. Whee! Currently, I'm cheery. Listening to Tegan and Sara on a Monday can do wonders for your mood. Heck, listening to them any day of the week will make anyone cheery! Sometimes I listen to them on my way to the bus stop, I crank it up, block out the rest of the world and there I am, dancing to it and singing out loud. Goodness knows how I sound or how I look, but I'm having a good time. It's endearing. I'm so glad Meghan introduced me to them and I'm even more glad that their CD was on sale for only $9.99 that day I decided to buy it. I started studying for exams! Well, I made a study date, that's close enough, isn't it? Thursday at lunch with Christopher-of-the-sharp-fingers. The kid keeps poking me! If you take CNAP, feel free to join us. I have no idea where we'll be, but that's the adventure, you have to find us! Most likely, the Fire Hazard. Oh, I miss the Bat Cave so much. As much as I would love to contiue on here, this music is making me move...literally. 2:27 pm Saturday, January 11, 2003
My Guide To Being Unproductive
- Make plans. - Don't follow them. That's it. Honestly, last night I saw myself doing so much today, getting so much work done, getting a head start on my studying, feeling- no, being productive. What happened?? Let me tell you: - Slept in till 10 am. - Went grocery shopping with my mother until 1 pm. - Lunch. - Phone conversation. - Bummed around on the net and ICQ. - Went for a snack at 3:30 pm. - Ended up watching Hope Floats until 6 pm. - Shower. - Here I am. Oy vey. 6:41 pm Friday, January 10, 2003
I Paid Ten Cents For A Cruller Tonight
Tonight was the first real movie night I've had in a while. The last film I caught in theaters was 8 Mile, and well, it wasn't the greatest thing in the world. But this, this is an entirely different story. Catch Me If You Can is definitely one to put on your To See List. Leo DiCaprio has finally made a return, and how! He still looks like a baby, except in the scenes where he still has the long, shaggy Gangs of New York cut. And who doesn't love Tom Hanks? The movie is based on (actually, the credits stated that it was "inspired by") Frank William Abagnale, a con artist who successfully managed to steal about $2 million with fraudulent cheques while pretending to be a pilot, then a doctor and finally, a lawyer. All before he was 18 years old. Wow, to think of all the things I could have accomplished by now...if only I were a con artist. The movie manages to balance a heartstring tugging divorce, with Frank's somewhat humourous situation, and it really is quite a fascinating story. Even after almost two and a half hours, the movie's plot line does not deflate, rather, the ending is one that makes you sigh with relief while chuckling a little. It filled me like a good meal. $7.50 very well spent. I am currently discovering new music, listening to The Used, a CD Greg got for Christmas. They hail from Orem, Utah, broke the Mormon rules that surrounded them and now make rock music that is filled with soul. Their lyrics are good, and most of their songs I enjoy. Some of them involve some screaming, and while I don't mind that, I get picky about how they do it. Overall, it's worth giving a try. Oh, and a little secret to share: let the last track keep playing, even after the song is over. After a few minutes of silence, you'll get to hear a nice drunken version of "Happy Birthday" and "Jolly Good Fellow", and then more screamy rock music. It scared me because I totally wasn't expecting it. And now I embark on the last bit of sleep I will get in a long time to come. Tomorrow starts my rigorous *cough cough* exam study schedule. I'm sorry, did I say schedule? Whoops. I lied, I don't actually have one. But I plan to study nonetheless. Must...secure...future.... 11:08 pm Thursday, January 09, 2003
A True Canadian Winter
My pants have never been this dirty, my socks never this wet, my shoes never this salty. I'm fairly short, so it's not uncommon to see me wearing three or four inch heeled shoes...even in the winter. No boots for me, I'll just slip and slide on the ice and twist my ankle as I try to trudge through the calf-deep snow thank you very much. It must be the funniest thing to watch me from behind as I walk to and from the bus stop everyday. Equally as humourous would be the times when I hitch up my pant legs when I come to the small ponds that have formed along my daily route. There's this small section of sidewalk on 14th Avenue that dips ever so discreetly and collects more gross, slushy water than you'd believe. No more personal shout outs! Too many people are starting to find me on their own, and I can't say hello to everyone! It makes me feel bad because I know there are so many others I've not yet said hi to. So I've decided and it's final. Down goes my foot. *stomp* I'm currently listening to Eminem's Marshall Mathers LP, *deep breath* and I think it's time that I publicly announce something. Something important. This may come as a surprise to you, but I like Eminem. Yes, yes! It's all true! He's been my guilty pleasure for too long, I don't have to feel guilty anymore! Why must there be any shame in being entertained by this man?! I admit it, I am an Eminem fan. I even saw 8 Mile, and I liked that too! Well, the plot line was kind of flat, there was no character development and the 10 minute sex scene was most unecessary. Not to mention that fact that the movie experience was marred by the gang that came in during the beginning and caused much ruckus. Gang Guys: *being very loud* Seated Guy: Shut up! GG: Yo, who told me to shut up? You come and say that to my face man! Who the f*** told me to shut up? You f***in' shut up! Then there was more yelling, much more profanity and a lot more ruckus causing. Eventually they got kicked out and all was good. I'm curently considering having Eminem's children. First the tattoo, now this. What's the world come to? 9:54 pm Wednesday, January 08, 2003
Ode To Christopher
So I see Chris has finally joined the Blogger bandwagon! Well, kind of...considering...y'know...stuff. *ahem* A few notes for you, Christopher: - Blog isn't spelled with 2 'g's! - And people can post comments, you just have to find that special program that lets you do that. You know what it's called. Comment-something. - And the third point I had has left the station, alongside the train of thought that was with it. I'm listening to Brain Stew by Green Day right now, and it's so good that I can't even think straight. I learned how to link today! Let's see if this works. Click here to visit Chris' Blog. Anyway, that situation last night at the pharmacy was actually pretty awful. Sure, comedic in some sense, but considering the amount of time that has gone into me convincing my parents to let me move away from home...it wasn't all that funny. They continually ask me if applying to U of T or York is still a possibility, and remind me of the benefits of having your parents near by. I don't doubt anything they say, I'm just really itching to get out of here. I've been thinking about moving away to university since I was about 10 years old...I want my freedom. I was walking home from the bus stop just a while ago, and I got such a taste for living on my own. I can just see myself walking to class, or from class, or to anywhere I want not having to worry about curfew or about my parents worrying about me. I want to go out late at night or really early in the morning, or even just play in the snow without them thinking I'm weird. It's just a thing with me. No biggie. 5:26 pm Tuesday, January 07, 2003
It's Waaaaaay Past My Bedtime
4:00 pm, the local pharmacy, my mother by my side Me: Hi, I'd like to fill out a perscription please. Man: Okay. *type type type* So...you in college? Me: No, still in high school...my last year though. Man: Ah...double cohort, eh? Me: Right, thanks for reminding me. Man: You applied yet? Me: Can I have my medication please? Man: *blank stare* Me: *sigh* Yes, over the holidays. Queen's, Western and Laurier if you were wondering. Annoying Man: Heh heh, moving away huh? Annoyed Me: Can we not bring this up? Annoying Man: Ah, you shouldn't move away! Stay home! Believe me, I have 3 sons and they all lived at home! Annoyed Me: Hmm, that's great sir. Please leave me alone. Wait. Give me my meds, then leave me alone. Annoying Man: Is that your mother? Bring her here, I'll talk to her for you... Incredulous Me: WHAT?! Are you kidding me? Bastard: Hey Ma! I-Can't-Believe-This-Is-Happening-To-Me-Manh: Shut up shut up shut up! I've been working away at some scholarship stuff for the last little while and it's still not done yet. How can I answer questions like "What are your long term goals?" at 11 o'clock at night? How can I answer them at all, no matter what the time of day? I don't have goals, I have dreams. Like Matt Good said, "Goals are dreams with deadlines". I believe that. To me, if you don't meet a goal, it's seen as a bad thing, but if you can't live your dream...it's forgivable. People still smile at you and admire your efforts, while with the former situation, they're likely to tell you to buy a calendar. But that's just me. This all started out as me simply visiting to say "Good night" to those who are still hanging around, and "Happy birthday" to dear Stacy on Thursday. But things never turn out the way you plan them, and that's why I stopped making plans. I'm a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants kinda gal nowadays. I got rid of my watch two summers ago and haven't looked back since. Cool people never have the time. 11:16 pm
Dear Stacy
Once in a while I find out that I have a new reader here, and it gets me rather giddy. And I think it's escpecially cool when they find me all by them-little-selves without anyone else telling them that I'm here. (Don't get me wrong, feel free to spread the fact that this is my blog. Hey baby, I blog and I'm proud!) Anyhoo, last time it was Meghan, and now it's time to give a hearty welcome to...superfantastic Stacy! When I see Stacy, I see a young, fresh, vibrant girl who's out to get life with a smile like you've never seen before. And sometimes, (entering deep, pensive stage...) I see bits and pieces of who I used to be. Not that I'm not out to get life, because believe you me, I am. I just can't believe that I'm this young and yet I feel so old; I'm not so dumpy and yet I don't feel so fresh. Maybe it's just one of those days. Funny thing though, it's not one of those days, today has actually been quite fantabulous. 1 quiz, 3 tests and an ISP got returned to me today all (with the exception of Calculus) with wonderful marks. So maybe I do have a future after all! 4:02 pm Sunday, January 05, 2003
Mama's Got A Brand New Bag - er, Guitar
That's right, you heard it here first; I managed to get rid of that old piece of junk and now I've got a brand spanking new Yamaha. Ahh, I never knew guitars could sound this good. But there's a problem. Not a big deal, just that the strings are making my fingers smell like metal again. Ugh, it's like holding a handful of invisible coins all the time. Gross. You know what's good? When love solves all your problems. *Insert Awwwwww! here* (I feel like a country singer all of the sudden.) Yesterday, and I think a bit of the day before that, I was cranky. I mean, really cranky. Hence the whole I'm-in-a-bad-situation-therefore-I'm-in-a-bad-mood ordeal. But last night I was flipping through a Martha Stewart magazine and there were a bunch of little sayings on life and love that I thought would look nice on a collage Greg gave me. So out came my scissors and my glue and I stayed up until 1:30 am collaging. Looking at all the little hearts and all the I love you's just filled me with this sense of wholeness that I don't remember feeling before. And so all those melancholy cranky feelings just washed away. It's wonderful. I love him. And everything's okay. 3:37 pm Saturday, January 04, 2003
Bad Girl Blog Break
I'm sick of researching biochemicals and various diseases and conditions. I'm not nearly doing as much work as I shoud be. After getting the mail recently, I found there was a letter adressed to me, and this made me happy as I adore getting snail mail. Then I saw that it was from the Town of Markham Public Libraries. Inside, it said the following: As of the date of this mailing, Library records show the following outstanding charges. Please return this notice with your payment to the above Library branch. There were thirteen items on the list and the grand total came to $11.25. As if that wasn't bad enough, at the bottom of the letter it said: You may need to add "Total This Bill" plus "Previous Balance" for the total. I never, never, never used to have overdue library books. Up until last year, that is; then it all changed. The first half of 2002 sure was sucky for me. 2003 isn't looking so fantastic either...although I sincerely hope that will change. It's unfortunate that I've been melancholy for the last day or two. Don't you hate it when you're faced with a particularly adverse, unfriendly situation and are powerless to fix it? Isn't it even worse when those who do have to ability to remedy the situation do nothing in that regard? A few things I despise: adults who act like they have the maturity level of a seven year old, people who are unwilling to compromise, those who go on power trips and commence to rule with an iron fist. Throw me into a situation with all these characteristics? Well, let's just say you don't want to do that. My solution: I went outside with my camera and snapped pictures of the winter wonderland that was before me. For the first time in too long, I built a snowman. And then I proceeded to take a picture of him too. I only headed indoors when I was nicely covered in snow, thought my fingers were getting frostbitten and after I had nestled my little snowman in some bushes. Everything needs a home. 5:18 pm
One and a half more days before I go back to school and face the stress levels. Not that the stress isn't already building up. One thing that does get me rather excited though, is another event that I might be planning. A Locks of Love fundraiser! If I measure starting at the nape of my neck, my hair is 1.5 feet long. From the top of my head, easily more than 2 feet. I've been growing it since December 11th, 2000 and I can't wait to donate it. Emma, Kelly and Amy will be donating with me as well, and I'm so excited. I hope to get more donators, and perhaps some shavers. Interested? Know anyone that is? Contact me at shirleymanh@yahoo.ca, it'd be great to find some more people. The event probably won't take place until early June, after our Prom. I kind of want to cut it before prom because everyone's been telling me to wait until afterwards. I don't like doing what everyone else does. But I don't think there's any way to convince the other girls to do the same. Speaking of girls, how about some boys? Come on boys, show your sensitive, caring and selfless side by shaving your head! What better way to say "I'm a good guy"? You can even use it to pick up girls. Not that I support that kind of thing. *ahem* In all seriousness, I am looking for people, and the earlier I let them know this will be happening for sure, the better I'll feel, knowing that they're not going to cut it beforehand. This event WILL happen. What else am I going to do with this hair? Details: - Hair length needs to be a minimum of 10" (tip to tip) - You may pull curly hair straight to measure the minimum 10" - There is no minimum length for those wishing to shave their heads - Layered hair may be put into more than one ponytail for donation - Hair is needed from men and women, young and old, all colors, and all races - Hair may be colored or permed, but not chemically damaged (if you're not sure, ask your stylist) - Hair cut years ago is usable as long as it has been stored in a ponytail Visit these sites for more information: Locks of Love: http://www.locksoflove.org/ Wigs for Kids: http://www.wigsforkids.org/ Canadian Cancer Society: http://www.cancer.ca/ 1:14 pm Friday, January 03, 2003
Biker Babe
9:30 am Me: Mmm....toast...so crispy and buttery...so good.... Toast: Yeah? That's what you think! Me: *chew chew chew* Mmm...the corner is the best part.... Toast: Hey! Look over here! I have green fuzzy spots! Me: *whimper* MOMMY! Little did I know, moldy toast doesn't actually affect you in any major way. I only lost my appetite for a few hours. But that's not the most exciting part of my day (thank goodness), today was the day I went to the North American International Motorcycle Show! Thanks to Bruce and Karen, otherwise, I wouldn't have known that the thing existed! I've never seen so much leather and testosterone in one place before. I felt like a man just being in there. And I came out with so much knowledge! I know that "cc" stands for "cubic centimeters" and it refers to the amount of pressure from the piston inside the cylinder, and the higher the cc's, the higher your insurance rates! Yeah! Go Bruce! Whoo! Did I stick out like a sore thumb or what! I didn't have any leather on (I don't think my purse counts), and well, look at me! I'm a five foot tall Chinese girl at a motorcycle show. I must admit though, I do have a thing for bikes now, or shall I say "hogs", because those are actually cooler. Some of those things are the size of small cars, and basically have everything a car does except the roof. A lot of the art on them was custom done to the owner's liking (ie: the Star Trek bike and the Winnie the Pooh bike) and was airbrushed, which looked extremely cool. I wish I had a camera. <= Note for parents. Hint hint, nudge nudge, kick kick. Speaking of pictures, I actually rode some of them! Well, I mounted them, and just sat there looking pretty. *click click* Definitely a shot worth keeping. A day worth remembering. 8:37 pm Thursday, January 02, 2003
Ringing In The New Year
New Year's Eve went almost exactly as planned. Everything I said would happen actually did happen...with the exception of most things after 7 pm. But the most important part of the plan went just as scheduled. (The kiss, of course!) Half of January 1st was spent in bed as Greg and I didn't go to sleep until about 5 am the night before, or morning shall I say. So far, I've rung in 2003 with a new CD rack (yes, another one) for only 49 cents (!) from Ikea, a new pair of sandals (I know it's not summer, but they were on sale), and my "It's A New Year" purse (also purchased on sale). If I had my digital camera, I could take pictures of them all and you would be able to see them in all their glory. But I can't because my parents totally turned on me and decided not to buy me one for Christmas. Yesterday I found out that Eileen's family just got one, but not just any digital camera, they got the Canon Power Shot S30. I'm absolutely pea-green with envy. I can see all the pictures I would have taken in my head right now...cool close ups at weird angles that show fine detail and lots of colour. Well, you'll just have to use your imaginations...for now. Perhaps I can get the parents to pull out the plastic for a new guitar, I managed to find a Yamaha for only $200. Now to test my negotiation skills when I sell my old one. If I get a red one, it's an extra $30. *whine* I really want the red one. My New Year's Resolutions: - Spend less money. - Be nice to the family. - Do well in school. - Eat healthy, exercise, relax. (This is actually the Special K Resolution, I admit I stole it.) 6:31 pm |